Hey friends! I’ve been keeping busy this summer at VBS camps, and have been having such a blast.

On June 4th through 10th, I had the special blessing of carrying Inflatable Stories back to the church I grew up in, FBC Thomasville, GA. They had me in for their entire week of VBS, and even let me create a few specialized balloon décor pieces that helped bring life to the entryway and extra energy to the stage. Each day, they set aside a time in their closing ceremony for blown up creations to share the stories of the week.

On June 11th, I had the opportunity to pick up up a new blessing, that I pray will carry Inflatable Stories around the country for years to come.  It’s a small RV, or, “aiR-V” as I like to call it. The maiden voyage went really well, as I stopped for a booking in TN on my way home.  Even though it’s the size of a large van, with a little strategy, I can prep an entire basic balloon program without ever leaving the vehicle.  I’m still trying to come up with the perfect name for the aiR-V, and would love it if you could help me out!

A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to share at Dixie Lee Baptist Church as the close to their week-long Amped VBS. Before the program even began, I had a boy excitedly share with me that he’d accepted Christ that week. His whole foster family was there that evening, and I could tell he connected with the balloons in a powerful way.  Through their post-program ice-cream fellowship, he came over to see me several times, and was admiring the balloon kits at the merchandise. As we wrapped up, I had the blessing of giving him a kit of his own, and after the evening had concluded, the pastor came to tell me very exciting news.  Everyone in his family made the decision to join the church that night!

There’s still a lot more fun to be had this summer, and I hope you’ll join me if I’m in your area!